echo >>>>>> Loading AUTOEXEC.CFG for HL2 <<<<<<
echo >>>>>> 2007.11.21, <<<<<<

mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0
// If set to 1, attempts to force texture information into your Video RAM at the start of a level, alleviating any stuttering in the game.
// Note, this setting was introduced with the "stutter fix" patch. Also note that from feedback and in my experience this setting can
// reduce FPS by up to 50%. Setting this variable to 0 may improve performance on some machines.

mat_compressedtextures 1
// If set to 1, uses compressed textures for optimal performance. For those with graphics cards which have higher amounts
// of Video RAM (e.g. 256MB) setting this to 0 will improve texture appearance at the cost of some performance.

datacachesize 128
// Determines the amount in MB [0-128] to allocate to the game's general data cache. Default is 32MB, maximum is 128MB. I recommend setting this
// to at least 64MB for 1GB of RAM or 128MB for 2GB of RAM as it should help in reducing stuttering, though it will add to initial load times.

cl_forcepreload 1
// If set to 1 forces all information to preload, reducing loading pauses and stuttering by not loading information on the fly.

sv_forcepreload 1
// If set to 1, forces server-side preloading, once again reducing loading pauses.

mod_forcedata 1
mod_forcetouchdata 1
// If set to 1, forces all model data into cache while loading. This should not be set
// to 0 unless troubleshooting, as preloading models greatly helps reduce stuttering.

mem_max_heapsize 512
// This command tells the Source Engine the maximum amount of memory to be allocated to the system heap. If you are using the -Heapsize command
// line variable, then you may need to increase this value from its default of 256MB to allow a larger heapsize to be used for certain caches.
// I don't recommend exceeding half your physical RAM (e.g. for 2GB RAM, don't set heapsize higher than 1024000).

sv_cheats 0
// Enables the use of CHEAT commands in single player or on a multiplayer server if set to 1. Some other settings require this.

cl_ragdoll_collide 1
// If set to 1, prevents characters from merging into each other due to ragdoll effects, improving realism with no real performance hit.

//fps_max 80
// Sets a maximum framerate cap, preventing your FPS from going any higher. Note this setting is not the same as VSync, nor does it dynamically
// alter image quality to attempt to keep your FPS near the FPS cap. The default is 300 which is fine, however lowering this to match your
// refresh rate, or an even lower value, may help reduce wild FPS fluctuations which in turn will improve the appearance of smoother framerates.

mem_force_flush 0
// If set to 1 forces the cache to be flushed on every allocation, which is not necessarily optimal but can reduce memory-related errors.

r_fastzreject 0
// If set to 1 activates a fast z-setting algorithm which takes advantage of hardware fast z reject for improved performance. If set to -1
// detects your default hardware setting for this option. Initially this should be set to 1, and if you see any problems then set to -1.
// NB! On slower CPSs the FPS is slightly higher with a setting of "0", Possible values are:  -1 = Auto, 1 = Use CPU, 0 = GPU (video card)

cl_smooth 0
// If set to 1 attempts to smooth the view after prediction errors, this can increase stuttering and so should usually be set to 0.

sv_autoladderdismount 1
// If set to 1, the player automatically dismounts from ladders when the end is reach. If disabled, player must press the USE key
// to mount/dismount ladders and hence cannot accidentally jump/walk off a ladder. Set to taste as there is no performance impact.

sv_footsteps 1
// If set to 1, player footsteps can be heard, if set to 0 no footsteps are emitted from the player. No performance impact.

//cl_detaildist 1200
// Determines the range at which detail props are shown (e.g. grass, default 1200). The higher the value, the lower your performance as
// more add-on details are shown. Reducing this setting can increase performance, and increasing this setting will improve image quality.

//cl_detailfade 400
// Determines the range at which detail props fade into view (default 400). Increasing this value can raise performance.

//cl_maxrenderable_dist 1200
// How far it will draw the map, obviously you want this as far as possible without damaging performance, there must be a sweet-spot!

//r_propsmaxdist 400
// Objects fading distance. Reducing this setting can improve performance.

lod_Enable 1
// If set to 1, allows the level of detail (lod) of objects to be gradually reduced the further they are from the player.
// This should be set to 1 for optimal performance, or 0 for maximum image quality.  The difference is usually not visible.

//lod_TransitionDist 400
// The distance at which the lod is reduced on objects. Higher distance = lower performance, but better distant objects will appear.

r_lod 1
// [-8 to 8]: Determines the rate at which level of detail (lod) is stripped from objects as they recede away from the player.
// The lower the value, the more detail remains visible on objects as they progress into the distance, reducing
// performance but increasing image quality. In most cases the visual difference is not significantly noticeable.
// Higher than 1 gives strange effects on props (consoles undetailed/buttons just a green bulb in mid air etc).
// Higher than 2 gives strange effects on models in HL2 EP2 (eyes becoming empty holes instead).

//cl_ejectbrass 1
// If set to 1, weapons eject shells as they fire. If set to 0 they don't, which can improve performance during heavy combat.

//cl_show_bloodspray 1
// If set to 1, blood sprays are emitted from bullet impacts on characters. If set to 0, no blood sprays are shown
// however blood marks (decals) can still appear. Disabling this can improve performance, but reduces realism.

r_decals 128
// Specifies the maximum number of decals possible at any one time. Higher number = greater potential for getting slowdowns during large combat
// scenes as large numbers of decals are generated. Reducing setting can improve performance in such situations, without totally losing decals.

//r_drawdecals 0
// Decals are impact/scorch/blood marks on walls, surfaces and characters, made from weapons and spells. If set to 1,
// decals are drawn. If set to 0, all decals are removed improving performance but greatly reducing realism (CHEAT).

//r_drawmodeldecals 0
// If set to 1, decals can be drawn on models, which are pretty much everything excluding walls and floors.
// If set to 0 these decals will be disabled, improving performance during combat for example, but reducing realism.

//r_drawparticles 1
// If disabled, particle effects - includes smoke, dust, some spell effects and explosions - will not be drawn.
// This can greatly improve performance around such effects at the cost of realism.

crosshair 1
// If set to 1, enables the crosshair, if set to 0 disables it. The performance difference is negligible, so set to taste.

mat_bloom 0
// If set to 1, a 'bloom' lighting effect is visible on objects, softening their appearance. If set
// to 0 this effect is removed, but performance is increased without a noticeable drop in image quality.

mat_disable_fancy_blending 1
// (Default=0)

mat_disable_lightwarp 1
// (Default=0)

mat_disable_ps_patch 1
// (Default=0)

mat_disable_bloom 1
// If set to 1 disables the Bloom effect, even if HDR is enabled. Can reduce the saturation effect of HDR and may boost FPS slightly.

mat_bloomscale 0
// Determines the level of brightness of Bloom, even if HDR is enabled. At levels above 0 the bloom effect increases saturation and brightness.
// The default is 1 when Bloom/HDR are enabled, reducing this to 0.5 for example can increase realism. Experiment to see what suits your tastes.

mat_bumpmap 0
// a) Texture depth(0-1). Enabling (1) will increase detail of textures, but it is a bit costly to framerate. Disable for framerate gain.
// b) When set to 1 enables bump mapping which makes flat 2D textures appear three dimensional. If disabled, textures
//    will be loaded without bumpmapping and will appear far less realistic, however performance will be improved.
// c) Models in Team Fortress 2 look weird when "mat_bumpmap" is set to "0". No other setting seems to fix that :-(

//mat_fastnobump 1
// Faster bump mapping. Not allowed in multiplayer if server doesn't have cheats enabled. Can cause strange effects.

mat_specular 0
// a) If set to 1, uses specular lighting. If set to 0 materials will not have specular lighting
//    applied to them for a performance boost but a slight drop in image quality.
// b) Texture "coating". This enables the shiny surfaces as seen in the DirectX 8.0 screenshot,
//    but also may cause errors as seen in the DirectX 9.0 screenshot. Disable for a framerate gain.
// c) Disables specular lighting. If you use disable bump-mapping, your character's arms and weapon
//    will look like they made of chrome metal. Disabling specular lighting removes that effect.

mat_fastspecular 0
// Faster specular mapping

mat_clipz 1
// If set to 1, uses an optimization technique to reduce what is drawn on screen for a performance
// improvement. Note that some Nvidia FX card owners need to set mat_clipz 0 to fix rendering problems.

//r_farz 0
// Controls the far clippling plane, which determines what is not rendered when it is determined not to be visible to the character.
// A value of -1 is normal, higher values can result in normally visible objects suddenly disappearing from view (CHEAT).

//r_drawRain 0
// If set to 1, rain effects will be rendered, however if set to 0 no rain will be drawn.
// This improves performance in levels where there is visible rain, however realism is reduced (CHEAT).

r_maxdlights 8
// Determines the maximum number of dynamic lights visible on the screen. The larger this maximum, the more chance of slowdowns during scenes with
// multiple dynamic light sources. Reducing this value can improve performance in scenes with multiple dynamic lights, such as in heavy combat.

//fog_enable 0
// If set to 0, will disable fog in areas which normally have fog, which may improve performance at the cost of realism.

//fog_enable_water_fog 0
// If set to 0, removes all underwater fogging which can cause water to become clearer, but may reduce performance and reduce realism as well.

//r_WaterDrawReflection 0
// If set to 0, disables all reflections on top of water. Will boost performance quite noticeably in areas with water at the cost of some realism.

//r_WaterDrawRefraction 0
// If set to 0, disables all refraction - that is images which appear distorted under the water. This will boost performance
// at the cost of realism, however you may experience some graphical anomalies on the water or even in the sky for some reason.

//mat_dxlevel 90
// Determines the shader version for special effects applied to materials. Options include 70, 80, 81 and 90 (e.g. mat_dxlevel 81).
// This is similar to the -dxlevel switch in the Advanced Tweaking section on page 7. Using shader versions lower than the highest level
// supported by your card will improve performance at the cost of varying degrees of image quality loss (depending on the shader version used).

violence_agibs 1
// If set to 0 disables most gore when monsters are hit. Importantly, disabling this also makes monster
// bodies vanish very quickly after death which can improve performance but reduce realism.

violence_hgibs 1
// If set to 0 disables most gore when human enemies are hit. Disabling this can improve performance but
// also makes human bodies and various world debris disappear quickly after being killed/damged.

mat_softwarelighting 0
// If set to 1, uses only software-supported lighting. Image quality is not greatly affected, but this may increase
// or decrease your performance depending on whether your CPU is far more powerful than your graphics card.

mat_blur 0 
// If set to 0 disables certain blur effects in the game, which can improve performance and/or reduce annoyance.

r_shadows 1
// Disable(0)/Enable(1) shadows. Very helpful in gameplay. Disable for a framerate gain.
// PS! Setting "r_shadows 0" also disables flashlight - could cause "minor" problems :-)

//r_decal_cullsize 0
// The distance (0-15) from which bulletholes are visible. Higher numbers mean a shorter viewing

cl_phys_props_enable 0
// Disable(0)/Enable(1) the visibility of bricks, cans, and trash objects (only objects you may not interact with). Disable for a framerate gain.

muzzleflash_light 0
// If set to 1, weapons firing will emit a light along with the muzzle flash. If set to 0, a muzzle flash is still visible
// but no lighting is cast from it. Performance will improve in combat scenes with no noticeable drop in realism.

r_dynamic 0
// If set to 1, enables dynamic lighting. If set to 0, disables dynamic lighting which can boost performance without a dramatic impact on realism.

r_modellodscale 0
// (0-1) This setting is not the same as the Model Detail setting under the in-game options. You can use this value
// to fine tune model details, with values below 1 reducing the model details, improving performance at the cost of realism.

ai_expression_optimization 1
// If set to 1, disables NPC expressions when you can't see them, potentially improving performance.

r_occlusion 0
// If set to 0, disables the occlusion system in the game, which can increase performance at the expense of image quality.

sv_robust_explosions 0
// If set to 0, explosions will be less spectacular, but this may improve performance around explosions without a significant drop in realism.

r_waterforceexpensive 0
// If set to 1, the highest quality water will be used. If set to 0, performance may improve without a noticeable reduction in water quality.

dsp_off 1
// If set to 1, disables audio DSP (Digital Signal Processing) in Half Life 2. This
// may improve performance (CHEAT), but will reduce the richness of audio effects.

dsp_enhance_stereo 0
// If set to 1 enhances the DSP stereo effect, making environmental sound richer and more atmospheric for a slight performance hit.

snd_digital_surround 0
// If set to 1 enables digital surround sound, however this only works if supported by your
// hardware and speaker configuration, and will reduce performance slightly if enabled.

dsp_slow_cpu 1
// If set to 1, reduces the quality of dsp sound effects, improving performance on systems with slower CPUs.

snd_mixahead 0.1
// Set between 0.0 and 1.0, the higher the value the less stuttering and more synchronized sound will be, but performance may be reduced.
// A value of 0.5 to 0.7 will help reduce stuttering in the game at the cost of some FPS the closer this value gets to 1.0. Note that
// altering this value can cause a quest bug in Chapter 5, so reset it to its default of 0.1 for the duration of that chapter.

snd_async_fullyasync 1
// If set to 1, sound may go slightly out of synch with actions at times but you will experience reduced loading pauses and stuttering.

//fov 75
// Specifies the character's Field of View (fov), i.e. the total angle which can be viewed at once.
// Default is 75, higher values create more of a "fish-eyed" view, lower angles create a zoomed view.

//default_fov 75
// Determines the default Field of View in HL2. Default is 75 (CHEAT).

cl_allowdownload 0
// Allow client downloads customization files.

cl_allowupload 0
// Allow client uploads customization files.

cl_lagcompensation 1
// Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.

sv_autosave 0
// 0 to prevent autosave

//gl_dither 0
//gl_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_linear
//cl_adaptive 1
//r_novis 1
//r_wateralpha 1
//r_mmx 1
//r_traceglow 1

//vid_wait 1
//gl_swapinterval 1
//gl_ext_gamma 1
//gl_ext_swapinterval 1

//cl_showfps 1
voice_enable 0
sv_voiceenable 0
voice_modenable 0

//map_background none

echo >>>>>> AUTOEXEC.CFG for HL2 loaded! <<<<<<
echo >>>>>> 2007.11.21, <<<<<<