Atari ST download archive from ABK-BBS - The Atari BBS in Norway
MINTERM.ACC The very best communication-program for the Atari ST !!
Supports full VT100-emulation and full IBM characterset
with all graphics. Has Xmodem, Ymodem and Zmodem file-
transfer possibilities and fast screen-dump to printer.
If you don't like ACCs just rename it to MINITERM.PRG.
MINITERM.INF All settings (dialing dir, f-keys, external programs)
is in the file MINITERM.INF. Use a normal text-editor
SETUP932.PRG or the Public Domain program SETUP932 to edit them.
To use reversed colors add an R after Color1 setting.
PRNTFKEY.TOS Prints out the dialing-dir and the f-key macros so
that you can paste them above your function keys.
TLFREGN2.TOS For Norway only. Keep track of your phone-bills.
MINIBBS.ZIP Public Domain BBS-system - All files needed included!
READMAIL.ZIP Off-Line Mail-reader for MBBS & MiniBBS. You can read
and answer mail Off-Line - All files needed included!
EMULATOR\ Programs to emulate colors,mono,520 - Click for list.
AUTO\ Lots of smart AUTO-folder programs - Click for list.
(keyboard drivers, virus-killers/protectors, patches)
SOUND\ Programs for playing MODules on ST/STE, Click for info.
Includes demo versions og ProTracker ST for ST and STE.
DOUBLE2.ZIP A new amazing big-screen emulator that can display
640x800 monochrome (640x400 color) without scrolling
the screen using interlace. Uses new STE hardware and
works only on STE and MEGA STE - Sourcecode included!
PFXPAK.TTP Compresses program-files to shorter program-files !
PRGPACK.PRG GEM-shell to make use of PFXPAK.TTP very easy
PRGPACK.INF Configuration file for PRGPACK (standard text-file)
ARC.TTP The newest version of ARC (uses .ARC-files)
ZOO21.TTP The newest versjon of ZOO (uses .ZOO-files)
LHARC201.TTP Packs better than ARC, ZIP and ZOO (uses .LZH-files)
ARCSHELL.PRG GEM-shell to make use of ARC, ZOO and LHARC very easy
ARCSHELL.INF Configuration for ARCSHELL (edit with a text-editor)
RZ.TTP GEM Zmodem-receiver for MiniTerm, MiniBBS and ReadMail
SZ.TTP GEM Zmodem-sender for MiniTerm and MiniBBS
PROTECT3.TOS Small utility to kill boot-sector viruses and protect
disk against new boot-sector viruses. This disk has
an info-message in the boot-sector - It's NOT a virus.
All protected disk are readable on IBM computers !!!
HDWAIT2.TOS Ever been frustrated about waiting for the harddisk to
boot up? Well, this program installs a bootsector on
a floppy that will "halt" the boot until the harddisk
is ready (it talks to the harddisk controller) !!
This new version also works on MEGA STE and TT !!
RATEHD.PRG Check the speed of your harddisk and controller card.
RATEHD.RSC [thanks to ICD for putting this program out for free]
DIRSORT.PRG With this you can change the order of the files in
DIRSORT.RSC a directory (use it on AUTO to change starting-order).
MINIVIEW.TTP Small text-file viewer to replace SHOW-file option
MINISHOW.TTP Picture-Viewer and Slide-Show, shows all Degas pictures
on all monitors (on STE you can use 16 color greyscale)
Can also be used as .PRG and even inside an AUTO-folder
Shows one picture if called with filename as parameter
or all pictures on disk if called without parameter.
SPCSHOW.TTP Displays Compressed Spectrum512 pictures (50 and 60 Hz)
DESKTOP.INF View this file to see how to install all these .TTPs
MAPMEM.TOS Lists info about resident programs using XBRA-standard
RS_PRINT.PRG Redirects printer output to the serial-port (RS-232)
FSCK.TOS Handy program to repair errors in FAT and directory
SCAN_PRG.LZH New and much better software for GeniScan hand scanner.
SCAN_SRC.LZH Source-codes for new GeniScan software (Pascal & Asm).
GRAZTIME.TOS Sets clock to world-time of university in Graz.
GRAZTIME.INF Configuration for GRAZTIME (edit with a text-editor)
MYSELF.TXT If you want to know more about me (it's kind of old)
MEGSELV.TXT Also my life-story, but this one is in norwegian :-)
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