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Søndre Hamre gård   ("Southern" Hamre "farm" :-)

My family's "farm" near Vestfossen in Øvre Eiker (scroll down for map)

Søndre Hamre gård

Even if my name is "Østerud" and the neighbouring "farms" and a small (but very steep)
mountain (both to the right) are called "Østerud" our "farm" is called "Søndre Hamre"

At the bottom of the picture you can see the beach (it's really popular in the summer)
and Søndre Hamre Camping (for tents/caravans) to the left and outside the right edge

We also own a small cabin a bit to the right and way up and far into our forest.
More pictures from the farm, the cabin and the surrounding area at my photo pages

I also recommend a trip with the sightseeing boat M/S Eikern on the lake. Departs from
Vestfossen every Sunday in the summer, to the old industrial town Eidsfoss, and back

Click for detailed map

The "farm" and the camping is next to road 35 and lake "Eikern", marked by the arrow

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