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DosLynx 0.8a text-only web-browser

DosLynx is a simple text-only web-browser, but I think it is real nice for testing web-pages. If you make your web-pages right they will look quite good even in DosLynx.

You can use DosLynx to test if they are readable, and that style and script code is hidden from old browsers (if not you will see the style and script code), and that your noscript section gives a good feedback to non-script browsers.

You can check that pages with tables look good in browsers without tables, and that a web-page that uses frames have a good noframes section for non-frame browsers.

Read the documentation here: ReadMe.html (27K)

Download the full package here: DosLynx.zip (230K)

DosLynx screenshot

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